020 8809 2221
07917 165 773
Have a problem with your car’s exhaust?
London SWS Autocare Ltd can fix it.
Exhaust repairs & replacements in Tottenham
If your car’s exhaust is rattling or has a fault that you’ve identified, we’ll fix or where necessary, replace it for you. Faulty exhausts can be noisy as well as being potentially harmful for the environment, so don’t leave them to wear for longer than you need to.
The exhaust repairs and replacements available at SWS Autocare Ltd are extremely cost effective and we never jeopardise the quality of the finish. We’re ready and able to carry out welding work on an exhaust as well as being in a position to quickly order and install a brand new exhaust if it isn’t possible to repair your current exhaust.
The complete car maintenance package
There’s more to a car than an exhaust. If your vehicle is showing signs of wear in any of its components, it can be expensive to delay getting it looked at. Our servicing and engine diagnostics facilities are designed to identify faults before they become an issue.
Whether you need someone to repair or service your brakes, weld or replace your exhaust, repair or install electrical components or replace or patch your tyres, London SWS Autocare Ltd have everything that your vehicle needs.
If you’re not looking for someone to diagnose or repair a fault in your car, you may be interested in purchasing second hand car parts for you to install or a second hand vehicle that’s ready to drive away today.

If your exhaust has reached the end of its life, call:020 8809 2221

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